Ballet Lysistrata
This bawdy Ancient Greek classic comedy play by Aristophanes is conceived and Illustrated as a ballet.

Aristophanes c.446 BCE to c.386 BCE was the foremost writer of comedy in classical Athens and his play ‘Lysistrata’ was first performed on stage in 411 BCE Athens.

Lysistrata is a ribald, bawdy and sexually explicit comedy account of one woman’s extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnese War. The heroine Lysistrata leads a group of Athenian women who are fed up with their men’s constant warring. She invites women from all the other Peloponnese warring nations of Sparta, Boetia, Corinthia, Thebes, and Scythia to join her in an innovative way to end the Peloponnese War. She convinces the women of Greece to withhold all sexual privileges from their husbands and refusing the men conjugal rights, as a means of forcing their men to end the war and negotiate peace.

In the story's culmination Socrates (contemporary of Aristophanes) and Athena Goddess of Peace become involved to bring an end to the wars.

The series of 14 paintings depicting the story will be posted when complete.

Peregrine Roskilly